Four Practical Tips for Shortlisting an Ideal Demo Vessel Buyer

It quickly becomes tedious for you to find and choose ideal demo vessel buyers for selling old vessels with hundreds of choices. Here we have disclosed a few easy-to-follow tips that will take you to the reliable industry and will be contended dealing with them to help you out in finding perfect old vessel buyers for ship demolition or ship breaking.


Check their official documents

Before you handover the old vessel to the demo vessel buyer, it is compulsory for you to check whether the industry has all relevant documents that prove them being a genuine dealer in the market on whom you can show dependency. If you find one ready to present you the proof of their being legit, you can study the document and ensure that you don't see a fake one, as that's also possible. If you find one not ready to present the license and is making some excuses every time you ask, it is better to skip and opt for any other alternative.

Consider their experience

Another thing that will help you to shortlist the best demo vessel buyers is looking at their past. You must look at their experience to discover how effective they are in dealing with the clients. Check to date how many clients the company had served to its clients. How many clients have become contented with the service provided by the company? If possible, ask for some case studies to get more idea about their proficiency as it will tell you how a company handles clients and situations. If you are happy with their record, you can indeed pick them up.

Find out the reviews about them

It would be best if you also found out the reviews regarding the company so that a clear image can be drawn out in front of you about how false or true the company is in dealing with sellers. If you find them having plenty of negative feedback, you must skip hiring them. Instead, go for the one who is having happier old vessel sellers.

Ensure about their payment pattern

When you handover your old vessel to them, you must get the ship's payment in just one time. If a company tells you to make the payment in installments, you should not be ready to opt.


These are all tips you can follow to shortlist the right demo vessel buyers.




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